Summer Hunger: Addressing Increased Needs During School Breaks - Center For Hope


Summer Hunger: Addressing Increased Needs During School Breaks

Address Summer Hunger

With summer upon us, many children look forward to sunny days, vacations, and time spent with family and friends. However, for countless families in our community, summer also brings a significant challenge—feeding children who usually receive meals at school. When schools close, the need for food assistance grows exponentially.

Heightened Demand for Food Assistance

During the school year, many children rely on free or reduced-price meals. The absence of these meals can lead to heightened food insecurity during the summer months. Our organization has seen a significant increase in requests for food support, and we are working tirelessly to meet this elevated demand.

Addressing Need for Families

In the summer months, many families face increased financial strain as children are out of school and no longer receiving regular meals. This puts a significant burden on already struggling households, leading to food insecurity and hunger.

For many working parents, summer break also means finding alternative care for their children while they are at work. This additional expense can leave families with even less money for food and other necessities. As a result, many working families find themselves in need of food assistance during the summer months.

Addressing Needs for Seniors

Grandparents who care for their grandchildren while they are out of school also need food throughout the summer season. These seniors may already be facing financial difficulties, and the added responsibility of providing meals for their grandchildren can put a significant strain on their resources.

As a community, it’s important to recognize and support these caregivers who are stepping up to provide for their families during the summer months.

Sue Otto

Spreading Hope and Joy

At the Center for Hope, we understand that sometimes, the greatest gift we can give is hope. That’s why we strive to spread joy and positivity through various initiatives, such as our food pantry, clothes closet, and a variety of supportive programs. We believe that by bringing people together and spreading positivity, we can make a difference.


Years of Experience


times individuals have been served at the food pantry in 2025 to date


hungry kids snack bags distributed in 2025 to date

Need Help? Reach Out to Us

If you or someone you know needs assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help and support our community in any way we can.

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